Thursday 19 July 2018

Final Product

Prelim Task : Evaluation for mag

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 
I believe that my magazine follows the conventional of a real fashion magazine; this is because I was inspired by a real hijabi fashion magazine. There weren’t many hijabi magazines that I could be inspired from, however I was inspired by a magazine called (GAZA) I was inspired by their image and the cover lines that were written on the side, as it was related to a hijabi girl. I was still following the main conventional of a fashion magazine, angle of gaze; this is because most magazines have that as it brings the readers attention. The masthead was still on the top of the magazine, as that is also another conventional of a magazine, it wasn't anywhere else. The masthead was plain, bold yet still effective to the reader. However I wasn't following the price convention, most magazines have their price on a graphic, in my magazine front cover my price wasn't on a graphic, and it was on top of the bar code. But it still prefers to not use a graphic as it didn't go well with my magazine theme. It is very conventional in a fashion magazine to have the main image below the masthead and in the middle, and i have done the same, however I had the main image on top of the masthead, so the model head is covering the 'd', it still looks very effective however.

2. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 
I didn't use many new technologies to construct and research my final product because my main goal was to complete my front cover to a high standard. The main technology or website I used was Photoshop, I used many tools in Photoshop however, such as cutting, effect, lighting etc. throughout the process of making this magazine I continuously used my blog to keep the examiners updated on what process I was going through, and what I struggled with the most. I struggled trying to cut the model image as I didn't want the white background, I wanted a different colour. However overall using Photoshop has been a struggle but I overcame it asking or help from the teachers and fellow classmates.

3. What will you look to improve on for your NEA? 
When I come back in year 11 I would want too be more organised and quick at things, for example when doing research I know who I am going to choose and what process I will be using in order to upload it too my blog. Before producing my final product I would want too do more planning, this is because when I was doing my final product I only had one idea; I needed more composition in order to have a wider mind set. And next time I would want to be more quicker at things, such as uploading what I need to upload on my blog on time and not missing anything out, filling in the small gaps.

4. What have you learned about yourself from this process?

When making this final product I’ve realised that I am very patient at things, for example when using Photoshop I was having many difficulties such as what font, size, colour I should use and change if it didn't look good. However I was having a tough time but I over came it trying to go with the flow and not stress out too much. Doing this project it has tested my patient skill a lot. I really did enjoy making this final front cover magazine as my creative side came out; I believe that this was the most creative I have been. I wouldn't mind doing this project again as I really enjoyed it.

Prelim Task: Statement of intent

I intend to produce a fashion front cover magazine mainly aimed at 15-18 years old.
When producing my magazine i would use a wide ranges of media language such as mise-en-sence, editing, lighting and etc.
I would want my magazine to have a mid-shot that will allow the audience to see her outfit and her facial expression. This is because when i was doing audience research many people chose to see their outfits as it is a fashion magazine. In my magazine the model will be wearing a abaya (long islamic dress that covers from shoulders to toes) this is because i am basing my magazine on a hijabi, and thought it would match if they wore the abaya as that is what express them. I would want to have a low shot as that is more dominate and powerful, and the model is in charge. I would want to have the shoot in the studio that we have as I need a white background, this is because i am changing the background colour when I use Photoshop. I decided that the model will have neutral face as this is because my magazine is called 'modest' and it means elegant and powerful.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Prelim Task: magazine flat plan

Front Cover Flat Plan

Before we started using photoshop to develop our final magazine design we had to design out a flat plan for the magazine front cover. The reason i named my magazine 'MODEST' is because it shows extravagance and considering i based my magazine on a hijabi it also connotes elegant and humble, thats what islam also teaches. 'PURE INSPIRATION' is the cover line which is bold and big because thats the main lines i want people to come across too. The words mean that hijabis are free to do anything, they have the same enough right as everyone else, they're not outsiders. and 'inspiration' meaning that people who aren't hijabis can also follow their footsteps and get inspiration from them, from the fashion magazine. The reason i based my magazine on a hijabi is because since i found out we were doing a fashion magazine i wanted to show the world what hijabis can do, they can dress in a very modest way but still look stunning. I wanted to be different form everyone else, be unique. No one in my class thought to do something religious so i thought i would be brave and take the risk. I want the model to face away from the camera as that is more effective, looking away goes against some magazines house-style as they have an angle of gaze. however i want mine to break the magazines house-style and go against it. I've decided to use mid-shot as that was the most powerful shot, and you can see the models face and clothing.

Prelim Task: Shot list

Shot List

We drew out many composition idea in order to know which on we will be going forward with, or have some sort of idea how we are going to start our magazine. The first image for the front cover I've decided to do a full shot, the reason for this is because the reader can see what the model is wearing considering it is a fashion magazine. The second image i decided to take a close up shot, so the reader can see the facial expression of the model, and plus the picture would look really good. The final Image i've decided to do for the front cover is a mid-shot, a mid-shot is where you can see the models head up until her waist. This would look really good on the front page as most magazine do that and plus you would be able to see the model facial expression and the outfit. 
For the content page images i've decided to have a two shot, so two people in the same shot. This is because as i am doing a hijabi modest fashion it would look great if two friends wearing a hijabi are doing the photoshoot. However this year (year 10) we are only producing a front page magazine, not a content page as our time scale wasn't long enough.

Final Product