Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Prelim Task: magazine flat plan

Front Cover Flat Plan

Before we started using photoshop to develop our final magazine design we had to design out a flat plan for the magazine front cover. The reason i named my magazine 'MODEST' is because it shows extravagance and considering i based my magazine on a hijabi it also connotes elegant and humble, thats what islam also teaches. 'PURE INSPIRATION' is the cover line which is bold and big because thats the main lines i want people to come across too. The words mean that hijabis are free to do anything, they have the same enough right as everyone else, they're not outsiders. and 'inspiration' meaning that people who aren't hijabis can also follow their footsteps and get inspiration from them, from the fashion magazine. The reason i based my magazine on a hijabi is because since i found out we were doing a fashion magazine i wanted to show the world what hijabis can do, they can dress in a very modest way but still look stunning. I wanted to be different form everyone else, be unique. No one in my class thought to do something religious so i thought i would be brave and take the risk. I want the model to face away from the camera as that is more effective, looking away goes against some magazines house-style as they have an angle of gaze. however i want mine to break the magazines house-style and go against it. I've decided to use mid-shot as that was the most powerful shot, and you can see the models face and clothing.

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